For now it is contained. The beast lies at the ready in its lair. Awaiting to be set free. Expecting to be found by a daring explorer. Perhaps a skilled handler to try and tame the snake. Should I release my big black bulge ? My name is Charles, I am 43 years old and a newly single dad. My ex and I split up for obvious reasons, mostly concerning you guys ! Now that I found out how skilled some of you are with your mouth and your hips, I can’t look back. But it is not only you, I realized that my cock is not the only one I enjoy playing with.
I love sucking on those lollypops and jerking you guys off. And now I get why I was told that men gave better blowjobs. It is so logical ! We have a dicks ! So we know what we like and as a result we know better how to give back the same pleasure. I guess it is the same with our lady friends. So now you know that I am bi sexual. What you need to know now is that I live in Greenville, South Carolina. I don’t suspect I’ll find many locals here, but I could also visit you in the ATL area or in Charlotte. That’s how cock hungry I am haha. And my bulge still needs some handling !
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