Trying anal made me crave for more, versa Trinity Groves Dallas

How’s it going? I’m Alby, I’m 34years old, and I live in the heart of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania not too far from Rittenhouse Square. Now I know you’re just dying to get over all the formalities and down to the nasty nitty gritty of it all, so am I trust me. There’s a reason I chose this pic of me in nothing but my birthday suit, a nametag for a leash, and an intensely tight cock ring squeezing my bulging dick to the heavens you know. During the day, I’m a polite and composed salesman, but at night in the bedroom, I can be your sex toy if you so please. I want to be used and mistreated. Yes even after a hard shift dealing with impatient costumer. in other words, I crave disdain.

I am currently on prep and keep both my balls and tight little hole nicely trimmed and groomed. The whole thing is there for your unprotected use. I would love to find something consistent such as a playful master x slave dynamic that’ll satisfy the two of us. Bondage really turns me on. I just crave being tied up and topped by a hefty guy. My pain tolerance is also pretty high. I’m basically telling you that I love it rough, choking, slapping, whipping, the whole shabang really lol! If you’re into that, please lmk. I’m ready to have fun whenever.

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