Here’s me behind my cock. My phone struggled to focus as my ding dong is so big and thick. I’m Charly, an uncut dude from Illinois with tight skin on my large shaft. I mean business here. Forget me if you’re looking for anything remotely caring and loving. Hook ups and fast sex dates are my things. I live on the adrenaline of having sex with a couple of dudes in one week. That being said, I still enjoy having a minimum of interaction in private chat, just to make sure that we’re a fit. Simple arrow up or down is not enough for me know if I’m gonna enjoy this you know. I’m not directly in Chicago, but I go in the Windy City on a regular basis for work, and for play.
I’m an arrow UP if you’re wondering lol. I’ve got thing for sissy fem bottoms. I don’t like being with masc men, Maybe it’s be cause I feel threatened in my own masculinity ? TBH, I don’t care. I don’t have time to worry about that. I’m 34 and I’m in a hurry to have lots of sex before I hit an age wall where I can’t hit on younger guys anymore. All this sex have made hyper experienced. So you can assured to have a great time with me. Let yourself go and I’ll take care of it. Just tell me where you want to meet in Chicago and we’ll catch a quick drink before finding a place to have our fun.
Click here to date Charly