Hey you staring at my cock already thinking and drooling about sucking it and blowing. How far coud you take inside your mouth ? Are you the type to deepthroat ? If so, good for you and your partners. I humbly can’t. And that’s why I like to practice on a dildo. A lover of mine made me realize that I was pushing him to take my long cock deeper and deeper in his mouth, while I could barely get half of his since I am not a good blower. Well I intend to make up for it by practicing. A lot.
Obviously, I won’t only practice on a dildo. I need volunteers in Sarasota, Florida, south of Tampa. We’d have a fun and casual hook up at my place where we’d trade blowjobs and more if you’re down. I am fun and tall guy of 35 years old, with a long slick cock. My name’s Elias by the way. I generally don’t use dating sites to find sex as I pretty much rely and the same lovers time and time again. But I am more than willing to give this a shot. In any case, we’re bound to have a great time you and I. I’ll take this whole deep-throating thing step by step. One of those steps being your cock down my throat.
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