USA > Iowa > Iowa City

Another gaymer desperate for attention, Iowa City

Showing the shroom in the tub, Vancouver, WA

I guess I brought this on my self. Even since I was a kid, I was a dork who preferred the company of books and video games over being other people. The only friends I had and with whom I played board games left me when I came out as gay. Stupid Midwest mentality towards gays ! Living in Iowa City definitely sucks sometimes. Especially when it comes down to gay acceptance. So I retreated even more in my solitude and my video games. And porn. I consume way too much porn ! I have to do something about it. Heck, I am 32, single with no change in sight.

I figured I’d turn to my best friend. The Internet. To find local fuck buddies or if not online. I know that I am not alone out there. I just need to get in touch with you guys in order to be touched. Ok that’s corny, but give me a break, I suck at dating. And don’t expect a great fuck either. I ain’t got much experience. Y’all gonna have to manage your expectations. Hey, I am being honest here. But, if I know one thing, it’s that you can find anything online. Especially horny people willing to have sex. Add me up in the member zone. I’m GayBeard on there.

Brb, gotta wank that stick after writing this post.

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