USA > Wisconsin > Milwaukee

Balls dropping just for you, Milwaukee, WI gay oral sex

I wish I could go out in Walkers point with my balls out ! Not that I have never had any public sex in the area. Show me a local gay guy who has never had some in Milwaukee lol. If that’s your case, I got you covered baby. But let’s focus on the subject at hand: my ball. Don’t you think they’re lovely and inviting ? I am somewhat of a cocky nudist, and I love walking around naked with my heavy ball sack hanging loose between my feeble legs. You must admit that a huge sack on such a flimsy body is even more impressive.

They are dropping from the counter for you, but you’ve got to be ready to suck them. I want to put them inside your mouth for you lick and suck on. Of course, you’ll get to blow my cock too but focus on my balls. That’ll teach you a great trick to use on your next hook up. Cause if you did not know already, you should always suck on the balls too. Not just the dick itself. At least, that’s what I think. I’ll show you how first if you want. Then, it’s up to you. Get ready to put in in your birthday suit as soon as you get here. It’s a no pants, balls out home. What else ? Oh, my name’s Gilbert (you can think my German family for that), I am 29 and that’s pretty much all you need to know for now. Cya soon.

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