USA > Wisconsin > Milwaukee

Black bear on the prowl in Bayview Milwaukee, WI

Hey there hunter. Or, might you be the prey ? My nickname’s Grizzly and I am 34 years old. Tacky I know, but I decided to go head on with the whole bear theme here. It got the job done did it not ? You clicked on my profile. Or maybe it was more due to my black dick and delicious looking package as well as my round and fat belly. Whatever it is, I am here to have loads of sex. Luckily, being on the prowl is not the only thing that I am on. I am also on prep. One can never be too careful. Especially when dating as many guys as I am. But I am ready to settle for a while. Papa bear wants to hibernate in a sense with a man. Regardless of color.

That being said, let’s see if any white guy can deem me good enough to date me. So far, I’ve been snubbed or considered nothing but an exotic fuck by white dudes when going out in Bayview in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. I seriously hope to be proven wrong here. I am kind of getting tired and discussed the dating scene. Maybe settling with a fuckbuddy or FWB for a while will help me out. Comme join my pack. Not that bears stick in packs, but you know what I mean haha.

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