Sup. My name’s Doug. Chances are that you’re gay, so you’ve probably tried deepthroat a hotdog or two in your life. I know I have lol. But have you ever tried a jumbo sausage from Costco or any other of those clubs ? Hard right ? Those sausages are 8 inches long. Well as you can see from the tape, my dick is even longer and evidently girthier. It’s close to 9 inches. And with some angle, I could reach that mark. It’s huge ! I don’t know if there’s an official requirement, but I believe that I qualify for a monster cock. And most definitely a big white cock (BWC).
What’s even more impressive is that I am 22 years old and a twink. So it looks even bigger compared to my small body and my tiny legs. Now, having such a huge dick can be tricky as not every guy is suited or willing to fuck with me. Some asses are just too small for it. At least that’s what I gathered from my meager experience. Maybe hooking up with older and more experience men would prove me wrong and show me that some passives have more stamina. I live in Tuscaloosa, Alabama about an hour west of Birmingham. I’d love to get in touch and maybe get a chance to try my theory. What say you ?
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