Anyone here looking for gay dates or hook ups in Sedgwick County, Kansas ? That’s where Wichita is if you did not know. But I reckon that if you did not know that, then you aren’t local and not worth chatting with. Sorry for being but, but I don’t have time to waste to entertain discussions with men I might never meet and fuck with. Unless of course you think that my curved-up dick is worth raking a road trip for. Bem y guest, literally. My name’s FredD, I am 26 years old, I work in the construction industry and I live in Park City, KS north of Wichita.
I might be bisexual, but I got a preference for men when it comes to hooking up. You guys are just more fun ! It’s so much easier to keep things simple and strictly down to sex. Shit, most of you want to keep it discrete and anonymous since you’re living a double life. Suits me, really. I don’t want to have pillow talk after I’ve destroyed your ass. I want to move on with my day, or at the most, set up a future hook up. Women can be se irritating with that. I get it, my curved cock is amazing at hitting just the right spots, but I won’t settle down. Not for a while anyway. Keep on being awesome men and I’ll keep on plowing your behind.
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