Looks delicious right ? Crispy, creamy and a real mouthful. Those attributes may well refer to either my sweet cock or that delicious donut sitting on top of my dick. I would never dare to ask you to choose between one or the other. That’s why I am DonutDick! Or that’s a bad nickname, but you get my point and my bad humor. I’m an immature manchild of 38 years old. If you care about your waistline or your health at all, I would strongly suggest that you pick my dick. I have no clue how many calories pumping a cock may burn, but it sure is more cardio than eating a donut. Imagine if we added a healthy dose of cardio sex. I am a verse so pick your side. Then we could eat a treat or two without regretting it afterwards haha.
My favorite one is without a doubt the boston cream one. And not that’s not because I am living in Chelsea near Boston. It is more because I like to feel and taste the creamy white delight explode in my mouth after a hearty bite. But like my cock, you could never fit a whole donut inside your mouth a once. It is a criteria for both a satisfying cock and donut. I am not saying you should have a cock as big as mine, but at least big enough to make it impossible for me deepthroat it completely. Not that I would not try anyway haha. All this hookup talk has made me hungry and I have not had my cardio yet. Who’s in the area and interested ?
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