This is what I call, my happy sex smile. While I am generally a fun and positive guy, nothing makes me crack a smile more than having sex. And here I am just pretending to have sex with a rubber ass and pussy ! So just imagine how happy and fun I could get when I have some real flesh to play with. You’ll have to see for yourself because I don’t take pictures of my hookups. Unless you’d want me to ? I decided to post on here since it has been a while since I’ve had sex with a man. You see, I’m a bi-curious man, but lately I’ve been on a dating roll with women. They keep on talking about me to their friends and I keep on getting offers that I can’t resist.
But my ass is craving attention too ! Those girls won’t fingerfuck me or do anything remotely close that involves my ass. That was the decisive factor to try and post here. Being on top is fun, but I need my anal fix. And you guys should definitely be able to accommodate me no ? I’m SmillyNick, 31 YO, I live in Minneapolis. Get in the chat and send me your nudes.
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