Lucky you ! You’ve stumbled upon our dating add. We are DerekAndJames, a kinky couple of gays living in Eugene, Oregon in the Fairmont area. We’re your typical fit 40 ish PNW gay couple who loves camping, nature and gardening. But you could also add hosting men over for a threesome and having hardcore sex to the list. We’re not an open couple per say as we always stick together. We simply like to spice up our sex life by inviting another man to join us. Always one, not two or more. That’s our rule. Plus, we tend to prefer dominating the man we invite. But it normally happens on its own as we’re pretty confident and used to that.
That being said, we respect your limits and expectations. Not into double penetrations ? That’s fine, but know that it’s an option. Same goes for your tolerance with different practices of BDSM. All in all, we want you to enjoy your experience. We love it when guys want to come back another night. We’re also amazing cooks too and we’d love to invite you over for dinner. We like red if you’re wondering. Forgot to mention that we insist on using protection. That’s non negotiable. We don’t have a type, so just come as you are, have a picture at hand and let’s chat.
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