Howdy guys. Some of you might recognize me if you’re a regular to the dating spots around northern Indiana. I am talking from Lafayette to Fort Wayne. In fact, I live in between right in between in Peru in Miami County. I would drive to your usual places like parks and some well known restrooms in malls or big box store to meet up with guys. There are ways and codes to let a man know what you’re looking for. Anyway, I am not here to tell you about those. I am taking a break from the cruising spots and the hunting for a while.
I’d rather aim for safer sex dates. Hiding in a bush to blow a guy gets tiring after years of doing it you know. So I’d rather be comfortable on my bedrooms carpet to pump your cock. Or against my mattress and my bedframe to take it up my white county man’s ass. I am 54 years old and I am into all sorts of man. You can bet I am after years of fucking total strangers in cruising spots. I am taking the prep so we’re safe and I expect you to do the same. We could start by going for a beer nearby and chat a little. That’d be new for me so I am curious to find out what it’s like. Normally I don’t talk much with the guys I fuck with in the cruising spots lol. We’re always in such a rush. Another reason to be tired of it. Maybe we’ll like each other and become special friends. Who knows.
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