Maybe it’s all this cum I’ve been keeping inside me lately, but I’ve never flet so big. Obviously you’ve guessed that I am referring to my big white cock and not my belly. The later is non existant, which is an achievement for a man of 42, while the former is quite impressive. Why do I have so much cum you ask ? Well that’s simply because I am holding on to it. I’ve been stocking all of sperm for almost a month now. That’s right, I did not jerk off or had an orgasm for that long. I am surprised that my balls did not turn blue lol.
Notice the subtility here. I did not say that I abstained from sex during that period. I did restrained myself from jerking off or cumming, but I had intercourse. You see, I am a submissive slut and I get off by being treated like a sex slave. And I have yet to find a suitable master with whom I feel comfortable to let myself go. I need an authoritative, yet fair man. I am specifically looking near the border with Wisconsin and Illinois as I live in Beloit, Wisconsin about half an hour north from Rockfort, IL. Call me Ben for now, but at some point, you could use any humiliating nickname you come across. I suggest that we chat and maybe have a cam together. But at some point we’ll have to see each other and that’s when I’ll know if you’re the one to guide me towards an orgasm.
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