How are you ? My name is Gilbert. I have got a question for you. Why is it that most gay daddies seem to be looking for twinks ? And that most twinks are attracted to daddies ? I don’t judge those who fit that stereotype, but I am still hyper jealous lol. Not because I wish I was with a twink, but rather with a another daddy ! A kind of clone lol. I am a daddy myself, complete with the big belly, the body hair and being over 40 (I am 43). I am attracted in other men like me, even older. But it seems that most of them are either with a twink or looking for a young stud. My big grower cock and I are sad.
I am trying my luck here to find a man my age and my side to date. A casual relation, open to seeing other men, even inviting them to join us. But I am not into short term stories. It is way too demanding mentally. I love to develop a routine and habits with my crush. You know, ordering at the same place, binge watching the same show, etc. Even going out to some fun restaurant in Springfield, Illinois. And whenever we feel adventurous, we could always go on a little road trip to Chicago, Saint Louis, or wherever we feel like. And if we dare, we could even book a cruise ! I hope that my add, my message will resonate with you.
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