USA > Mississippi > Hattiesburg

Let’s play naked football, gay jock from Hattiesburg, MS

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Now’s your chance to fuck a football player. Don’t pretend that you’ve never looked at a football’s player ass or bulge. We all do it. It’s normal. But I am offering to go beyond the staring and straight to the locker room sex. I used to play football in high school and college. My name’s Ben, I am 34 now so my playing days are behind me. But I’d like for you to get behind me and take me for a snap hehe. I’ve got tons of ideas for roleplaying (RP). I could be the new guy in the team going through an initiation, the player looking to impress the coach to be the next captain. The possibilities are endless, and I’d love to hear your ideas.

I live in south Mississippi down in Hattiesburg in Forest County. I am not openly gay so that explains why I am going incognito here and putting the emphasis on my white butt. Let’s keep this man-on-man sex date a secret all right ? We could simply meetup somewhere, have a few ice-cold beer and have some friendly sex (or not so friendly depending on the scenario). Maybe we’ll like it so much that we make it a habit out of it. I know quite a few places where we could meet up both in town or outside of town. Don’t forget your ball and share your suggestions for that RP.

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