It just wants to say hi ! Don’t be mean and wave back. With your hands or even better, with your cock. Let’s not be shy. My name’s Alan, I am 36 years old and I live in Plantation, Florida west of Fort Lauderdale. I would happily show you more of my cock, but first, I need to see some of you ! By either sending me some pictures or a having Webcam. You see, I could have all the hook ups I want in the area. Loads of mens on vacation letting their wild side out when they’re away from home. But I need some more stability, some commitment !
I ain’t talking about having a boyfriend. But I’d love to have a fuck friend you know. Someone to create a bond with. To know every litle details of your body and how to turn you on instantly. We all have that little spot or strange kink. I want to find yours ! Don’t tell me before we meet as I would love to find it on my own. And maybe we’ll discover a new one together. I am an artsy and edgy person, and it includes sex too. That’s a cool way of saying that I am versa and pretty much into anything. Raison your hand and or your cock South Floridians !
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