USA > Texas > Texarkana

Single thick BWC open for hook ups, Texarkana, TX

NYC, get ready for my big Texan cock

Hey there, I’m Bowser34 and you guessed it I’m 34. Who said that Nintendo consoles are for kids ? I don’t think I look very childing with my thick cock out do I ? I’ve got a massive cock, perfect to smash the shit out of you. You better not cross my path you animal ! See what I did there ? I could keep on, but you gest the jest. I’m a gay gamer. Or what some might call a gaymer. I live in Texarkana, TX on the border with Arkansas. Nobody around suspects that I’m gay. In fact, they probably think of me as an asexual person. Oh fuck I am not !

I’m just secretive about my sex life and I mainly have gay hook ups at my place or at different hotels. This way I can keep my single bachelor life style without having to commit to any relation. And I’m also able to avoid any useless judgements from the intolerant fools around me. Let’s be real, I’m lazy and having hook ups suits me. And I get to fuck, suck, get blown, and jerk off whenever I feel like it. I seem to be popular amongst guys on road trips. If you’re looking for a big cock to sit on after a long day of riding, well I’m the perfect one for that. Whatever your reason, you know where to find me.

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