Sup dudes. That’s what I call a power walk. You can see the twilight in my toned and chiseled chest and abs as I am slowly walking in my blue jeans. My cock hard in my pants until I set it free and reveal that I was in commando all along. Imagine if It were to walk to you like this and zipping it free to shove it inside your mouth. It’s okay, you can stop squealing already. My nickname is Edward, I am a gym bro who’s addicted to fitness. And, the main reason I do it, beside looking great in the mirror and boosting my confidence, is to get laid.
With both men and women. You see, I prefer to have sex with dudes, but the problem is that I live in South Charleston, West Virginia. Which is not the most dynamic place for a gay jock to be. So in order to get laid more often, I fuck with girls too. I hope that by posting here, I can find some decent looking men in the area, or not, who would like to let me fuck them. If you’re ready to make it to my place, or nearby where we could meet, I’d love to fuck your ass and blow your dick. Let me run the show and be a good sissy and I’ll turn a blind eye on your looks too. We’ll just have to chat, show me a picture or two so you can tease me a little with what you’d let me do to you. Cya dudes.
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