USA > South Carolina > Spartanburg

Spartanburg, SC – get laid with nerdy proud guy

Spartanburg, SC - get laid with nerdy proud guy

I don’t get why being proud of how you look and being comfortable in your own skin can be frown upon in our society. Especially when one is considered overweigh, or to put it bluntly, is seen as fat or who does not fit in the mold of sexiness that society imposes us. Look, I know I am quite chubby, but I don’t mind at all. In fact, I like how I look. And I believe the confidence I project is sexy ! And of course, so is my long cock and my manly hair.

It has never stopped me from enjoying taking nude selfies and sharing them. Nor has it prevented me from hitting on any man that I feel like taking back home at my place in Spartanburg, SC. However, despite how confident I can be, I am not unsensible to the rejection I get from guys simply because of my weight and my silhouette. So here I am fully presented naked to you, not vulnerable as I said, but comfortable and ready to get laid. I believe you’ve got all the informations you need to contact me, except of course my username which is ThomasXL. I am curious to know what you think about me, a nerdy 32 YO. But simply getting laid and having a quick hookup works too.

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