Springfield Gay Hookup / Amateur and Escort

USA > Illinois > Springfield

46 YO single man balcony tanning Springfield, IL

46 YO single man balcony tanning Springfield, IL

I am a 46 years old man; I should have the right to sun bathe in my birthday suit if I want to.

Just like you should have the right to have an affair with me. I meet most of my hook ups in bars around the area. So many are married and looking for a little taste of gay freedom. Of course, I happily offer them by inviting them over to my place to have some sex. I feel like it is my duty to please those sexually frustrated me …

View profile of , 43 yo

Gay daddy dreaming about a clone, Springfield, IL

Gay daddy dreaming about a clone, Springfield, IL

I have got a question for you. Why is it that most gay daddies seem to be looking for twinks ? And that most twinks are attracted to daddies ? I don’t judge those who fit that stereotype, but I am still hyper jealous lol. Not because I wish I was with a twink, but rather with a another daddy ! A kind of clone …

View profile of , 43 yo

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