USA > New Jersey > Passaic

Weirdest cock you’ve blown – Passaic, New Jersey

Weirdest cock you've blown - Passaic, New Jersey

I know, I know, I got a strange cock that’s different from most of them out there. But being different can be a good thing. For example, in a sea of dicks, you picked mine. I know, it’s probably more of curiosity than anything. Most guys find my dick appalling. It’s somewhat crooked, the tip is swollen yet small and the shaft is curved. Plus I got a small. bush at the base. I am far from having a pornstar’s cock. Despite that, I am still super horny and wish to find man to blow me in Passaic County, New Jersey. Or, I could always come to New York as it’s barely a 30 minutes commute for me.

Of course, I am not only expecting you to blow me, I would return the favor tenfold. I am a horny 42 years old man craving any dick I can put my hand and mouth on. Sadly, I have to admit that I am somewhat shy about homosexuality. In fact, I am an introvert who rarely goes out expect for groceries and the like. That’s why I rely on this fuck date dating site and my nickname StubbyD to find men to hookup with. If you’ve made it this far, I hope you’ll consider contacting me and give my dick a chance.

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